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Do you ship internationally?

At the moment, Deiji ships within New Zealand only.

Do you offer free shipping?

At Deiji, we offer FREE standard shipping on NATIONAL orders over $60 NZD

Is click and collect available?

Yes! At checkout, select ‘Pickup Instore’ option. Your order will usually be ready within 24 hours. Once your order is ready, we’ll send you a‘Ready for Collection’ email letting you know to head into store. Please have your order number with you, so that our team can assist you with picking up your order.

How do I cancel my order?

Please email info@deiji.co.nz with the subject line ‘CANCEL ORDER #(number)’ so that we can assist you ASAP. In the case that your order has already been dispatched, you will have to wait for your item to arrive & return the product via post or to our store.

What do I do if an item in my order is damaged in transit?

Please send us an email at info@deiji.co.nzwith a subject line‘DAMAGED ITEM #(number)’.We would need an image of the damaged item for us to assist you ASAP.

What do I do if an item is missing from my package?

This unlikely case could happen if your order gets split into two or more parcels. Please kindly check your email inbox/spam for any additional tracking information, but if your item is indeed missing please reach out to us atinfo@deiji.co.nz for assistance.

How can I make changes to my existing order?

We recommend that you carefully review your items before completing orders, but making changes is absolutely fine as well. Contact us at info@deiji.co.nz with the subject line‘ORDER CHANGE #(number)’ BEFORE the shipment has been made, to be assisted for order changes.

If you have any further questions, please email our team at info@deiji.co.nz and we’ll be happy to assist you.